Trying to Enjoy Mcdonalds Funny Quotes

Going to a Mcdonald's and spending time with yourself or with your loved ones can make you happy. If you love junk then McDonald's can be one of the best choices. Their food and time can lift your mood. If food can make you happy, you have to visit McDonald's and grab their offers. Not only do adults enjoy their food but kids also enjoy their time there.

When you have spent time with your happy faces then you must have clicked pictures. Post them with McDonald's captions. Present your food pictures with more mouth-watering looking, and attach with them tasty McDonald's captions.

McDonald's Captions

  • burgers cure what ails you
  • My feeling is, music is a more eloquent international language than Coca-Cola or McDonalds.
  • eyes on the fries
  • burger on the brain
  • burgers — the ultimate cheat meal
  • burger + bacon = perfect combo
  • we don't want none unless you got buns hun
  • I can pretty much live without fast food. I haven't eaten McDonald's in so long, but it's okay.
  • extra cheese, please
  • burger goals
  • People who love to eat are always the best people.
  • life is too short for a well-done burger
  • the only bad burger is the one you didn't eat
  • burgermania
  • I think it is true that you can eat extremely healthy food at McDonald's, and you can eat amazingly badly at Chipotle.
  • McDonald's has been extraordinary at site selection; it was a pioneer in studying the best places for retail locations. One of the things it did is study very carefully where sprawl was headed.
  • burgers make the world go 'round
  • burger magic
  • One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.
  • There's no age limit on a Happy Meal.

McDonald's Captions For Instagram

McDonald's Captions For Instagram
  • tomatoes grow up to be ketchup
  • wind in my hair, smell of fries in the air
  • the best burgers come from the best cows
  • You're more special than the special sauce.
  • There's no 'we' in fries.
  • body by burgers
  • burger party at my place
  • It requires a certain kind of mind to see beauty in a hamburger bun.
  • you can't spell "friends" without "fries"
  • burgers are great, but bacon burgers are magic
  • love is in the air, and it's medium rare
  • Is your smile from McDonald's? Because I'm lovin' it.

Best McDonald's Instagram Captions

McDonald's Captions
  • McDonald's is over with. But chips and candy and stuff, it's going to be hard to get away from that.
  • burger-holic
  • burger dates for burger mates
  • If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft.
  • McDonald's is the ultimate symbol of passive conformity.
  • I'm going to eat fast food. I'm going to McDonald's. I don't need to pretend.
  • The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.
  • it has lettuce and tomato…so a burger is basically a salad
  • burger vibes
  • so…we meat again
  • burger heaven
  • There is a lot of difference at McDonald's between the guy in the back making the fries and the manager up front who is running the place.

McDonald's Captions For Burger

McDonald's Captions
  • I went into a McDonald's yesterday and said, 'I'd like some fries.' The girl at the counter said, 'Would you like some fries with that?'
  • it's burger o'clock
  • They know they got the TV ad, they know they got the name recognition, they know that they can do a tie in with McDonald's or some fast food outlet and the money is just gonna flow in.
  • There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
  • burgerlicious
  • Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry.
  • Today the biggest decisions I make aren't related to the heavyweight title. They are whether I visit McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, or Jack-in-the-Box.
  • a perfectly round quarter pound
  • you did something today to deserve a burger
  • I was in the right place at the right time.
  • burgers are my favorite food group

Good McDonald's Captions For Instagram

  • I happened to be in the right place at the right time.
  • burgers are our love language
  • We take the hamburger business more seriously than anyone else.
  • the best burgers are like life — messy and topped with bacon
  • For an adult, eating alone at McDonald's is admitting a kind of defeat.
  • All I know is that when I needed McDonald's, McDonald's was there for me.
  • When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor.
  • I hate Mcdonalds… but i'm forced to eat it.
  • You're the ketchup to my fries.
  • It's easy to impress me. I don't need a fancy party to be happy. Just good friends, good food, and good laughs. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm content.
  • Who needs a makeup palette when there are Chicken McNugget dipping sauces?


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