Demonstrate Contents

Chapter 3. Migrate Your Application

3.1. Changes Required away Almost Applications

3.1.1. Review Changes Required aside Most Applications

Year loading and configuration changes in JBoss EAP 6 will impact almost all application. JBoss EAP 6 also uses brand-new standard portable JNDI naming syntax. These changes will impact most applications, so it is advisable you review the following information beginning when you migrate your applications programme.

3.1.2. Class Payload Changes Update the Application Due to Course Loading Changes

Modular class loading is a significant change in JBoss EAP 6 and will impact about all covering. Refresh the following information opening when you transmigrate your application. Understand Mental faculty Dependencies


A module is only able to access code its own classes and the classes of any mental faculty connected which IT has an expressed or implicit addiction.

Procedure 3.1. Understand Module Dependencies

  1. Understand unexpressed dependencies

    The deployers within the server implicitly automatically lend some commonly used module dependencies, like the javax.api and sun.jdk. This makes the classes circumpolar to the deployment at runtime and relieves the developer of the undertaking of expressly adding the dependencies. For details on how and when these implicit dependencies are added, refer to Implicit Module Dependencies in the chapter entitled Course of study Loading and Modules in the Development Guidebook for JBoss EAP 6 on

  2. Understand explicit dependencies

    For other classes, the modules must be specified expressly operating room other the lacking dependencies result in deployment or runtime errors. If a dependence is missing, you see ClassNotFoundExceptions or NoClassDefFoundErrors traces in the waiter log up. If more than one module loads the same JAR operating theatre a module loads a class that extends a class loaded by a divergent module, you see ClassCastExceptions traces in the server lumber. To specify dependencies expressly, modify the MANIFEST.MF or create a JBoss circumstantial deployment descriptor file jboss-deployment-structure.xml. For more entropy on module dependencies, refer to Overview of Class Loading and Modules in the chapter titled Class Loading and Module in the Development Guide for JBoss EAP 6 on Update Application Dependencies Ascribable Class Load Changes


Class loading in JBoss EAP 6 is substantially different than in previous versions of JBoss EAP. Class loading is immediately based on the JBoss Modules project. Sooner than a single, hierarchical class lumper that loads whol JARs into a flat sort out path, each library becomes a module that only links against the exact modules along which it depends. Deployments in JBoss EAP 6 are besides modules and do non have admittance to classes that are delimited in JARs in the application server unless an explicit dependency connected those classes is defined. More or less module dependencies defined past the lotion server are set up for you automatically. For instance, if you are deploying a Java EE application, a dependance on the Java EE API is added automatically, OR implicitly. For the complete list of dependencies automatically added by the server, refer to Implicit Module Dependencies in the chapter entitled Sort Loading and Modules in the Development Usher for JBoss EAP 6 connected


When you migrate your application to JBoss EAP 6, you may need to do ane or more of the next tasks owing to the modular class loading changes:

3.1.3. Configuration File Changes Create operating room Modify Files That Master Class Burden in JBoss EAP 6


Collectable to the change in JBoss EAP 6 to use modular class loading, you may motive to make over or modify one or more files to contribute dependencies operating room to prevent automatic dependencies from loading. For more information on separate loading and classify load precedence, refer to the chapter entitled Class Loading and Modules in the Development Guide for JBoss EAP 6 along site/documentation/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/.

The following files are used to control class lading in JBoss EAP 6.

jboss-World Wide Web.xml

If you have defined a <class-loading> element in the jboss-web.xml file, you need to take it. The conduct that this evoked in JBoss EAP 5 is now the default option class burden behavior in JBoss EAP 6, so it is no longer necessary. If you do not remove this constituent, you find a ParseError and XMLStreamException in your server log.

This is an lesson of a <course of instruction-loading> element in the jboss-web.xml file that is commented out.

<!DOCTYPE jboss-web Overt     "-//JBoss//DTD Web Application 4.2//EN"     ""> <jboss-web>   <!--      <class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance="incorrect">         <docker-repository>                <loader-repository-config>java2ParentDelegation=false</dockhand-repository-config>         </loader-repository>     </year-loading>  -->  </jboss-vane>                                
Manually edited

Dependant on which components or modules your application uses, you may take to add one or more dependencies to this file out. You butt add them as either Dependencies Beaver State Class-Path entries.

The following is an example of MANIFEST.MF edited past a developer:

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Dependencies: org.jboss.logmanager Class-Path: OrderManagerEJB.clash                                      

If you change this file, make sure to include a newline character at the end of the file.

Generated using Maven

If you use Ace, you need to qualify your pom.xml file to render the dependencies for the MANIFEST.MF data file. If your application uses EJB 3.0, you may have a section in the pom.xml file that looks like the favourable:

<plugin>     <groupId>org.apache.virtuoso.plugins</groupId>     <artifactId>wizard-ejb-plugin</artifactId>     <configuration>         <ejbVersion>3.0</ejbVersion>     </configuration> </plugin>                                      

If the EJB 3.0 cipher uses org.apache.common.lumber, you need that dependency in the MANIFEST.Medium frequency file. To generate that dependency, add the <plugin> element to the pom.xml file as follows:

<plugin>     <groupId>org.Apache.maven.plugins</groupId>     <artifactId>maven-ejb-plugin</artifactId>     <configuration>         <ejbVersion>3.0</ejbVersion>         <file away>             <manifestFile>src/independent/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF</manifestFile>         </archive>     </form> </plugin>                                      

In the above example, the src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF lodge only needs to contain the dependance entry:

Dependencies: org.apache.common land.logging                                      

Maven will generate the complete MANIFEST.MF file:

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Dependencies: org.apache.park.logging                                      

This file is a JBoss specific deployment descriptor that can be used to control division loading in a fine grained manner. Like the MANIFEST.MF, this file can be used to add up dependencies. It can also prevent automatic dependencies from being added, delimit additional modules, alter an EAR deployment's isolated separate loading behavior, and add additional resource roots to a module.

The following is an example of a jboss-deployment-structure.xml file that adds a dependency for JSF 1.2 module and prevents the automatic loading of the JSF 2.0 module.

<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.0">   <deployment>     <dependencies>       <module name="javax.faces.api" expansion slot="1.2" export="true"/>       <module name="com.sun.jsf-impl" slot="1.2" exportation="true"/>     </dependencies>   </deployment>   <sub-deployment name="jboss-seam-booking.warfare">     <exclusions>       <faculty name="javax.faces.api" slot="main"/>       <module name="com.sun.jsf-impl" slot="main"/>     </exclusions>     <dependencies>       <module name="javax.faces.api" expansion slot="1.2"/>       <module name="com.sun.jsf-impl" slot="1.2"/>     </dependencies>   </sub-deployment> </jboss-deployment-structure>
application program.xml

In former versions of JBoss EAP, you controlled the order of deployments within an EAR using the jboss-app.xml file. This is no longer the case. The Java EE6 spec provides the <initialize-in-enjoin> component in the application.xml which allows ascendency of the order in which the Coffee Electrical engineering modules inside an EAR are deployed.

In most cases you fare not need to specify deployment order. If your application uses dependency injections and resource-refs to refer to components in external modules, in most cases the <initialize-in-Holy Order> element is not compulsory because the application server is able to implicitly determine the correct and optimal style of ordering the components.

Army of the Pure's assume you have an application that contains a myBeans.jar and a myApp.war that are packaged inside a myApp.ear. A servlet in the myApp.war uses an @EJB annotation to inject a bean from the myBeans.jar. Therein case, the application server has the apropos knowledge to make confident that the EJB part is available before the servlet is started and you coif not have to use the <initialize-in-regulate> factor.

However, if that servlet uses bequest JNDI lookup style remote references suchlike the tailing to access the bean, you may need to specify module order.

init() {   Context ctx = new InitialContext();   ctx.lookup("TheBeanInMyBeansModule"); }                                

In this type, the server is not able to learn that the EJB component is in the myBeans.jar and you need to enforce that the components in the myBeans.shake up are initialized and started ahead the components in myApp.warfare. To serve this, you set the <initialise-in-order> constituent to true and specify the order of the myBeans.shake up and myApp.warfare modules in the application.xml file.

The following is an lesson that uses the <initialize-in-order> constituent to control deployment order. The myBeans.jar is deployed in front the myApp.war file.

<application xmlns=""               xmlns:xsi="" version="6"              xsi:schemaLocation="     ">     <practical application-name>myApp</applications programme-constitute>     <initialize-in-enjoin>true</initialize-in-ordination>     <module>         <ejb>myBeans.jarful</ejb>     </module>     <module>         <web>             <web-uri>myApp.war</vane-uri>             <context-root>myApp</circumstance-root>         </web>     </module> </application>

You should be aware that scope the <initialize-in-order> element to true slows down deployment. It is preferable to define seemly dependencies using dependency injections or resource-refs because IT allows the container much flexibility in optimizing deployments.


The jboss-ejb3.xml deployment signifier replaces the jboss.xml deployment descriptor to override and add to the features provided by the Java Enterprise Variation (EE) defined ejb-jar.xml deployment form. The new file is incompatible with jboss.xml, and the jboss.xml is now ignored in deployments.


The login-config.xml file is no more old for security configuration. Security is now designed in the <security-domain> element in the server shape single file. For a standalone server, this is the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file. If you are spouting your host in a managed domain, this is the world/form/domain.xml file. jboss-deployment-structure.xml

jboss-deployment-structure.xml is a new optional deployment descriptor for JBoss EAP 6. This deployment form provides control over class loading in the deployment.

The XML schema for this deployment descriptor is in EAP_HOME/docs/schema/jboss-deployment-structure-1_2.xsd Package Resources for the Modern Modular Social class Loading System


In previous versions of JBoss EAP, all resources inside the WEB-INF/ directory were added to the State of war classpath. In JBoss EAP 6, entanglement application artifacts are only loaded from the WEB-INF/classes and Vane-INF/lib directories. Nonstarter to package lotion artifacts in the specified locations rear end resultant in ClassNotFoundException, NoClassDefError, or other runtime errors.

To resolve these class loading errors, you moldiness modify the structure of your application file away or delineate a custom module.

Alter the Resource Publicity

To make the resources forthcoming entirely to the application, you must bundle the properties files, JARs, OR other artifacts with the WAR by moving them to the WEB-INF/classes/ operating room Network-INF/lib/ directory. This approach is described in more particular here: Plane section, "Change ResourceBundle Properties Location"

Create a Custom Module

If you want make customs resources obtainable to all applications spurting connected the JBoss EAP 6 server, you must create a custom module. This approach is described in more contingent present: Section, "Create a Custom Module" Change ResourceBundle Properties Location


In previous versions of JBoss EAP, the EAP_HOME/server/SERVER_NAME/conf/ directory was in the classpath and available to the application. To make properties available to the classpath of the application in JBoss EAP 6, you must package them inside your application.

Procedure 3.2. Change the ResourceBundle Properties Location

  1. If you are deploying a WAR file away, you must software system those properties in the WAR's World Wide Web-INF/classes/ folder.

  2. If you deficiency those properties accessible to all components in an Spike, then you must package them at the root of a Jarful and then place the Shake up in EAR's lib/ folder. Create a Custom Module

The following procedure describes how to make up a usance module systematic to make properties files and other resources available to all applications running on the JBoss EAP server.

Procedure 3.3. Create a Custom Faculty

  1. Create and populate the faculty/ directory structure.

    1. Create a directory structure subordinate the EAP_HOME/mental faculty directory to contain the files and JARs. For example:

                                            $ cd                                        EAP_HOME/modules/                                                                            $ mkdir -p myorg-conf/main/properties                                    
    2. Move the properties files to the EAP_HOME/modules/myorg-conf/chief/properties/ directory you created in the premature step.

    3. Create a mental faculty.xml file in the EAP_HOME/modules/myorg-conf/briny/ directory containing the following XML:

      <mental faculty xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="myorg-conf">     <resources>         <resource-root way of life="properties"/>     </resources> </module>                                    
  2. Modify the ee subsystem in the waiter configuration charge. You can purpose the JBoss CLI or you can manually edit the file away.

    • Follow these stairs to modify the server form file victimization the JBoss CLI.

      1. Start the server and connect to the Management Command line interface.

        • For Linux, enter the following at the command line:

          $                                            EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect                                          
        • For Windows, infix the following at a command line:

          C:\>EAP_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat --connect                                          

        You should see the following response:

        Conterminous to standalone controller at localhost:9999
      2. To create the myorg-conf <global-modules> element in the ee subsystem, type the pursual in the command line:

        /subsystem=ee:write-attribute(name=global-modules, value=[{"name"=>"myorg-conf","slot"=>"chief"}])                                      

        You should see the following result:

        {"outcome" => "success"}                                      
    • Watch these steps if you prefer to manually edit the host configuration file.

      1. Stop the server and open the server configuration file in a copyreader. If you are running a standalone server, this is the EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file, or the EAP_HOME/domain/constellation/domain.xml file if you are running a managed domain.

      2. Find the ee subsystem and add the orbicular module for myorg-conf. The following is an example of the ee subsystem element, modified to let in the myorg-conf element:

        <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:EE:1.0" >                 <global-modules>         <mental faculty appoint="myorg-conf" time slot="main" />                 </spherical-modules> </subsystem>                                        
  3. Assuming you copied a file called into the correct faculty localization, you are now able to lading properties files using code similar to the undermentioned:


3.1.4. Logging Changes Modify Logging Dependencies


JBoss LogManager supports front ends for all logging frameworks, so you can keep your current logging code or move to the new JBoss logging infrastructure. Disregardless of your decision, because of the standard socio-economic class loading changes, you probably need to modify your application to add the required dependencies.

Procedure 3.4. Update application logging code Update Practical application Code for Third-party Logging Frameworks


In JBoss EAP 6, logging dependencies for common ordinal-political party frameworks like Apache Commons Logging, Apache log4j, SLF4J, and Java Logging are added by default. In about cases, it is preferable to use the logging framework provided by the JBoss EAP container. However, if you require peculiar functionality provided by a third-party framework, you must exclude the corresponding JBoss EAP module from your deployment. Mention that although your deployment uses the third-party logging framework, the host logs continue to use the JBoss EAP logging subsystem configuration.

The following procedures present how to exclude the JBoss EAP 6 org.apache.log4j module from your deployment. The offse procedure plant on whatsoever release of JBoss EAP 6. The arcsecond procedure applies only to JBoss EAP 6.3 Beaver State advanced.

Procedure 3.5. Configure JBoss EAP 6 to manipulation a or log4j.xml file in

This procedure works for all versions of JBoss EAP 6.

Because this method uses a log4j form file in, you volition no thirster constitute healthy to change the log4j logging configuration at runtime.

  1. Create a jboss-deployment-structure.xml with the following cognitive content:

    <jboss-deployment-structure>     <deployment>         <!-- Exclusions tolerate you to preclude the server from automatically adding some dependencies -->         <exclusions>             <module name="org.apache.log4j" />         </exclusions>     </deployment> </jboss-deployment-structure>                                
  2. Place the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file in either the META-INF/ directory operating theatre the WEB-INF/ directory if you are deploying a WAR, or in the META-INF/ directory if you are deploying an EAR. If your deployment includes pendant child deployments, you must also exclude the module for each subdeployment.

  3. Include the surgery log4j.xml lodge in the lib/ directory of your EAR, or the WEB-INF/classes/ directory of your WAR deployment. If you prefer to place the file in lib/ directory of your WAR, you mustiness limit the <resource-side> path in the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file.

    <jboss-deployment-body structure>     <deployment>         <!-- Exclusions allow you to preclude the server from automatically adding some dependencies -->         <exclusions>             <module name="org.apache.log4j" />         </exclusions>         <resources>             <resource-rootage path="lib" />         </resources>     </deployment> </jboss-deployment-structure>                                
  4. Start the JBoss EAP 6 server with the following runtime arguin to forbid a ClassCastException from appearing in the console when you deploy the application:
  5. Deploy your application.

Procedure 3.6. Configure Logging Dependencies for JBoss EAP 6.3 or later

In JBoss EAP 6.3 and later, you can use the new add-logging-api-dependencies logging system ascribe to turf out 3rd company logging theoretical account dependencies. The following steps demonstrate how to modify this logging attribute along a JBoss EAP standalone server.

  1. Bulge out the JBoss EAP 6 server with the following runtime argument to foreclose a ClassCastException from appearance in the console when you deploy the application:
  2. Open a depot and connect to the Management CLI.

    • For Linux, enter the following at the command line:

      $                                    EAP_HOME/bin/ --connect                                  
    • For Windows, insert the following at a command line:

      C:\>EAP_HOME\bin\jboss-CLI.drub --connect                                  
  3. Modify the add-logging-api-dependencies attribute in the logging subsystem.

    This property controls whether the container adds implicit logging API dependencies to your deployments.

    • If set to true, which is the nonpayment, all unverbalized logging API dependencies are added.

    • If set to false, the dependencies are not added to your deployments.

    To kick out the third-party logging framework dependencies, you must set this attribute to false using the following command:

                                      /subsystem=logging:spell-attribute(name=minimal brain damage-logging-api-dependencies, prise=false)                                

    This command adds the <add-logging-api-dependencies> element to the logging subsystem of the standalone.xml form file.

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.4">     <add-logging-api-dependencies value="dishonest"/>     .... </subsystem>                                
  4. Deploy your lotion. Modify Code to Use the New JBoss Logging Framework


To use the new framework, change your imports and code as follows:

Procedure 3.7. Qualify Code and Dependencies to Use the JBoss Logging Theoretical account

  1. Change your imports and logging codification

    The followers is an example of cipher that uses the recently JBoss Logging framework:

    importee org.jboss.logging.Level; import org.jboss.logging.Logger;  private static final Logger faller = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class.toString());  if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {     logger.tracef("Starting...", subsystem); }                                
  2. Add the logging dependency

    The JAR containing the JBoss Logging classes is located in the module named org.jboss.logging. Your Patent-MF file out should look like this:

    Evidence-Version: 1.0 Dependencies: org.jboss.logging                                

3.1.5. Lotion Promotion Changes Modify Packaging of EARs and WARs


When you migrate your application, you Crataegus oxycantha have to change the packaging structure of your EAR or WAR referable the change to modular separate loading. Module dependencies are loaded in this specific ordain:

  1. System dependencies

  2. User dependencies

  3. Local resources

  4. Inter-deployment dependencies

Procedure 3.8. Modify archive packaging

  1. Computer software a State of war

    A WAR is a single mental faculty and all classes in the Warfare are unexploded with the unvaried class docker. This means classes prepackaged in the WWW-INF/lib/ directory are treated the same as classes in the WEB-INF/classes directory.

  2. Package an EAR

    An EAR consists of multiple modules. The EAR/lib/ directory is a single module and every State of war or EJB jar subdeployment within the EAR is a separate module. Classes do not have access to classes in other modules within the EAR unless explicit dependencies take up been defined. Subdeployments forever have an automatic addiction on the rear module which gives them memory access to classes in the EAR/lib/ directory. However, subdeployments dress not always possess an automatic dependency to tolerate them to access each other. This behavior is controlled by setting the <auricle-subdeployments-isolated> element in the ee subsystem configuration as follows:

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:EE:1.0" >               <ear-subdeployments-isolated>false</pinna-subdeployments-isolated> </subsystem>

    Past default this is set to false which allows the subdeployments to see classes belonging to other subdeployments inside the Auricle.

3.1.6. Datasource and Resource Arranger Configuration Changes Update the Application Referable Configuration Changes

In JBoss EAP 5, services and subsystems were configured in many diametrical files. In JBoss EAP 6, constellation is straight off done mainly in one file. If your application uses any of the following resources or services, conformation changes May personify needed. Update the DataSource Configuration


In past versions of JBoss EAP, the JCA datasource configuration was defined in a file with a suffix of *-darmstadtium.xml. This file was and so deployed in the server's deploy/ directory surgery packaged with the application. The JDBC driver was copied to the server/lib/ directory or packaged in the application's WEB-INF/lib/ directory. Spell this method of configuring a datasource is motionless supported for development, IT is not recommended for production because IT is not supported by the JBoss administrative and direction tools.

In JBoss EAP 6, the datasource is configured in the waiter configuration single file. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running in a managed domain, the datasource is configured in the domain/configuration/sphere.xml file out. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running as a standalone server, the datasource is organized in the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file. Datasources configured this way can equal managed and obsessed using the JBoss management interfaces, including the Network Management Console and command line interface (CLI). These tools make IT easy to superintend deployments and configure ninefold servers squirting in a managed domain.

The following incision describes how to modify your datasource configuration thusly that it can be managed and backed aside the easy management tools.

Transmigrate to a Manageable Datasource Configuration for JBoss EAP 6

A JDBC 4.0 compliant driver can be installed as a deployment Beaver State as a core module. A driver that is JDBC 4.0 compliant contains a META-INF/services/coffee.sql.Driver file cabinet that specifies the driver class diagnose. A driver that is not JDBC 4.0 compliant requires additional steps. For inside information on how to make a driver JDBC 4.0 compliant and how update your underway datasource shape to 1 that is manageable by the Web Management Console and CLI, realise Section, "Install and Configure the JDBC Driver". Install and Configure the JDBC Driver


The JDBC number one wood can be installed into the container in unitary of the following two slipway:

  • Atomic number 3 a deployment

  • As a core module

The pros and cons of each approach are noted below.

In JBoss EAP 6, the datasource is configured in the server configuration file. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running in a managed domain, the datasource is configured in the domain/configuration/domain.xml file. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running equally a standalone server, the datasource is organized in the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file. Schema reference information, which is the unvaried for both modes, can personify found in the docs/schema/ directory of the JBoss EAP 6 put in. For purposes of this discussion, assume the server is running as standalone server and the datasource is configured in the standalone.xml file out.

Procedure 3.9. Install and Configure the JDBC Device driver

  1. Put in the JDBC Device driver.

    1. Install the JDBC Device driver as a deployment.

      This is the recommended way to establis the driver. When the JDBC driver is installed as a deployment, it is deployed As a regular JAR. If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is moving equally a standalone server, copy the JDBC 4.0 lamblike JAR into the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/ directory. For a managed realm, you must use the Direction Console operating theater Management CLI to deploy the JAR to the server groups.

      The following is an model of a MySQL JDBC driver installed as a deployment to a standalone server:

      $cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar                                                                              EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/                                    

      Whatever JDBC 4.0 amenable driver is automatically recognized and installed into the scheme by name and variation. A JDBC 4.0 compliant JAR contains a text Indian file titled META-INF/services/Java.sql.Driver which specifies the device driver class name(s). If the driver is not JDBC 4.0 amenable, IT can glucinium made deployable in one of the following ways:

      • Create and add a java.sql.Driver file to the Jounce under the META-INF/services/ path. This file should carry the number one wood class figure, for example:

      • Create a Java.sql.Driver file in the deployment directory. For a JBoss EAP 6 instance running as a standalone host, the file should be situated here: EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/META-INF/services/java.sql.Number one wood. If the waiter is in a managed domain, you must use the Management Console or Direction Command line interface to deploy the file.

      The pros of this approach are:

      • This is the easiest method because in that respect is zero necessitate to define a module.

      • When the waiter is running in a managed demesne, deployments that wont this approach are automatically propagated to completely servers in the domain. This means the administrator does not want to circularise the driver JAR manually.

      The cons of this approach are:

      • If the JDBC number one wood consists of more than one JAR, e.g. the driver JAR plus a dependent permit JAR or localization Jounce, you can not install the driver as a deployment. You must set up the JDBC device driver as a pith mental faculty.

      • If the driver is not JDBC 4.0 nonresistant, a file must be created containing the driver class name(s) and must be imported into the JAR or overlayed in the deployments/ directory.

    2. Install the JDBC Driver as a core module.

      To install a JDBC driver as a substance mental faculty, you must create a file path bodily structure under the EAP_HOME/modules/ directory. This structure contains the JDBC driver JAR, any additional vendor license or localization JARs, and a module.xml file to define the module.

      • Instal the MySQL JDBC Driver as a core module

        1. Create the directory structure EAP_HOME/modules/com/mysql/main/

        2. In the of import/ subdirectory, make over a faculty.xml file out containing the following module definition for the MySQL JDBC driver:

          <?xml reading="1.0" encryption="UTF-8"?> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.mysql"> <resources>     <resource-root path="mysql-connection-java-5.1.15.jar"/> </resources> <dependencies>     <module key="javax.api"/> </dependencies> </mental faculty>                                            

          The module name, "com.mysql", matches the directory body structure for this mental faculty. The <dependencies> ingredient is accustomed qualify this module's dependencies on other modules. Therein incase, as is the case with every JDBC datasources, it is dependent on the Java JDBC APIs which are defined in another module named javax.api. That faculty is located under the modules/arrangement/layers/inferior/javax/api/main/ directory.

          Make a point you exercise Non have a blank space at the kickoff of module.xml file cabinet or you will get a "Other lacking/unsatisfied dependencies" error for this driver.

        3. Replicate the MySQL JDBC driver JAR into the EAP_HOME/modules/com/mysql/chief/ directory:

          $ cp mysql-connector-coffee-5.1.15.jar                                                                                              EAP_HOME/modules/com/mysql/main/                                            
      • Install the IBM DB2 JDBC driver and license JAR as a core module.

        This case is provided to only prove how to deploy drivers that postulate JARs to boot to the JDBC Device driver JAR.

        1. Create the directory structure EAP_HOME/modules/com/ibm/db2/main/.

        2. In the main/ subdirectory, create a module.xml charge containing the following module definition for the IBM DB2 JDBC number one wood and license:

          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="">   <resources>     <resource-root way of life="db2jcc.jar"/>     <resource-root path="db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar"/>   </resources>   <dependencies>     <module name="javax.api"/>     <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>   </dependencies> </module>                                            

          Make sure you do NOT have a space at the beginning of module.xml file or you will get a "New wanting/unsatisfied dependencies" wrongdoing for this device driver.

        3. Copy the JDBC driver and license JAR to the EAP_HOME/modules/com/ibm/db2/main/ directory.

          $ cp db2jcc.jolt                                                                                              EAP_HOME/modules/com/ibm/db2/main/                                              $ cp db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar                                                                                              EAP_HOME/modules/com/ibm/db2/main/                                            

      The pros of this approach are:

      • This is the only approach that works when the JDBC driver consists of more than one Collide.

      • With this approach, drivers that are not JDBC 4.0 compliant can embody installed without modifying the driver Jounce Oregon creating a file sheathing.

      The cons of this approach are:

      • It is more difficult to set up a module.

      • The module must be manually traced to every waiter running in a managed domain.

  2. Configure the datasource.

    1. Supply the database driver.

      Add the <number one wood> element to the <drivers> element of the same file. Once more, this contains some of the same datasource entropy that was previously distinct in the *-Doctor of Science.xml file.

      First watch if the driver JAR is JDBC 4.0 compliant. A JAR that is JDBC 4.0 lamblike contains a META-INF/services/Java.sql.Device driver file that specifies the driver course of study name. The server uses this file cabinet to find the refer of the driver class(atomic number 99) in the JAR. A driver that is JDBC 4.0 compliant does not require a <driver-class> constituent since it is already specified in the JAR. This is an example of the driver element for a JDBC 4.0 compliant MySQL driver:

      <number one wood name="mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar" mental faculty="com.mysql"/>                                    

      A driver that is not JDBC 4.0 compliant requires a <driver-class> attribute to nam the driver class since there is atomic number 102 META-INF/services/java.sql.Device driver file that specifies the driver class epithet. This is an instance of the driver element for driver that is not JDBC 4.0 compliant:

      <driver call="mysql-connecter-java-5.1.15.jar" faculty="com.mysql"> <driver-class>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driver-separate></driver>                                    
    2. Create the datasource.

      Produce a <datasource> element in the <datasources> section of the standalone.xml file. This file contains much of the same datasource information that was previously defined in the *-DS.xml file.

      You must stop the server before editing the server configuration file for your convert to embody persisted on server restart.

      The next is an example of a MySQL datasource element in the standalone.xml charge:

      <datasource jndi-diagnose="java:/YourDatasourceName" syndicate-public figure="YourDatasourceName">   <connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/YourApplicationURL</connectedness-uniform resource locator>   <device driver>mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar</device driver>   <dealing-isolation>TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED</transaction-isolation>   <pool>     <min-pool-size>100</Taiwanese-syndicate-size>     <max-pond-size>200</liquid ecstasy-pool-size>   </pool>   <security>     <user-key>USERID</user-identify>     <word>PASSWORD</password>   </security department>   <program line>     <prepared-statement-cache-size>100</willing-statement-cache-size of it>     <share-prepared-statements/>   </financial statement> </datasource>                                    
  3. Update JNDI references in the application write in code.

    You must also replace whatever alive @Resource annotations that access the datasource to use the new JNDI name. For example:

    @Imagination(name = "java:/YourDatasourceName").                         Configure the Datasource for Hole up operating theatre JPA

If your application uses JPA and currently bundles the Hole up JARs, you Crataegus laevigata deprivation to habituate the Hibernate that is included with JBoss EAP 6. To use this version of Hibernate, you essential remove the old Hibernate package from your application.

Procedure 3.10. Remove the Hole up bundle

  1. Remove the Hibernate JARs from your application program library folders.

  2. Remove OR comment kayoed the <hibernate.dealing.manager_lookup_class> ingredient in your tenaciousness.xml file as this constituent is not necessary. Update the Resource Adapter Configuration


In previous versions of the application host, the resource adapter form was circumscribed in a single file with a postfix of *-ds.xml. In JBoss EAP 6, a resource transcriber is configured in the waiter configuration file. If you are running in a managed field, the configuration file is the EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/domain.xml file. If you are running as a standalone server, configure the resourcefulness adaptor in the EAP_HOME/standalone/form/standalone.xml file. Schema reference selective information, which is the very for both modes, can atomic number 4 found low Schemas along the IronJacamar web site present:

You moldiness full stop the server before redaction the host configuration data file for your change to be persisted happening server restart.

Define the resource adapter

The resourcefulness adaptor descriptor information is defined subordinate the following subsystem element in the server configuration file:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:imagination-adapters:1.1"/>

You will manipulation more or less of the same information that was antecedently defined in the resource adapter *-ds.xml file.

The following is an example of a resource adapter factor in the host configuration file:

<resource-adapters>   <resource-adapter>     <archive>eightfold-full.rar</file away>     <config-property name="Name">ResourceAdapterValue</config-property>     <transaction-support>NoTransaction</transaction-support>     <connection-definitions>       <connection-definition       class-advert="org.jboss.jca.exam.deployers.specification.rars.multiple.MultipleManagedConnectionFactory1"       enabled="correct" jndi-diagnose="java:/eis/MultipleConnectionFactory1"       pool-name="MultipleConnectionFactory1">     <config-property name="Name">MultipleConnectionFactory1Value</config-property>       </link-definition>       <association-definition       class-name="org.jboss.jca.test.deployers.spec.rars.multiple.MultipleManagedConnectionFactory2"       enabled="accurate" jndi-distinguish="java:/eis/MultipleConnectionFactory2"       pool-name="MultipleConnectionFactory2">     <config-property name="Name">MultipleConnectionFactory2Value</config-property>       </association-definition>     </connection-definitions>     <admin-objects>       <admin-object       class-name="org.jboss.jca.test.deployers.specification.rars.quadruplicate.MultipleAdminObject1Impl"       jndi-bring up="java:/eis/MultipleAdminObject1">     <config-property name="Name">MultipleAdminObject1Value</config-property>       </admin-object>       <admin-object class-name="org.jboss.jca.try out.deployers.spec.rars.multiple.MultipleAdminObject2Impl"       jndi-name="Java:/eis/MultipleAdminObject2">     <config-property name="Name">MultipleAdminObject2Value</config-property>       </admin-objective>       </admin-objects>   </resource-adapter> </resource-adapters>

3.1.7. Security Changes Configure Application Security Changes

Configure security for basic authentication

In premature versions of JBoss EAP, properties files placed in the EAP_HOME/server/SERVER_NAME/conf/ directory were on classpath and could be easy found aside the UsersRolesLoginModule. In JBoss EAP 6, the directory social structure has changed. Properties files must be prepacked inside the application to arrive at them available in the classpath.

You must terminate the server in front editing the host configuration file for your change to be persisted on server restart.

To configure security for radical hallmark, add a inexperient security measures domain under security measur-domains to the standalone/shape/standalone.xml or the sphere/configuration/domain.xml server configuration file cabinet:

<security-domain name="exercise">     <authentication>         <login-module write in code="UsersRoles" swag="required">             <faculty-option identify="usersProperties"                      esteem="${jboss.server.config.dir}/"/>             <mental faculty-option cite="rolesProperties"                      value="${jboss.waiter.config.dir}/"/>         </login-module>     </authentication> </security-domain>

If the JBoss EAP 6 instance is running A a standalone server, ${jboss.waiter.config.dir} refers to the EAP_HOME/standalone/conformation/ directory. If the instance is running in a managed domain, ${} refers to the EAP_HOME/domain/conformation/ directory.

Modify security domain names

In JBoss EAP 6, security domains no yearner employment the prefix java:/jaas/ in their name calling.

  • For Web applications, you must remove this prefix from the security domain configurations in the jboss-entanglement.xml.

  • For Enterprise applications, you must remove this prefix from the security domain configurations in the jboss-ejb3.xml file. This file cabinet has replaced the jboss.xml in JBoss EAP 6.

3.1.8. JNDI Changes Update Application JNDI Namespace Name calling


EJB 3.1 introduced a standardized global JNDI namespace and a series of age-related namespaces that map to the versatile scopes of a Java EE applications programme. Portable EJB names only get bound to 3 of them: java:global, java:module, and Java:app. Applications with EJBs that use JNDI must be changed to keep abreast the new standardised JNDI namespace convention.

Procedure 3.12. Modify JNDI lookups Portable EJB JNDI Names


The Coffee EE 6 spec defines four logical namespaces, each with its own scope, merely portable EJB name calling only get recoil to ternary of them. The following table details when and how to habituate each namespace.

Table 3.1. Portable JNDI Namespaces

JNDI Namespace Verbal description

Names in this namespace are shared by all applications deployed in an application host instance. Use name calling in that namespace to chance EJBs outside archives deployed to the same server.

The following is an example of a Java:global namespace: java:global/jboss-seam-booking/jboss-seam-booking-jar/HotelBookingAction


Names in this namespace are divided up by entirely components in a module, for example, every last enterprise beans in a single EJB faculty or totally components in a web module.

The favourable is an example of a java:module namespace: java:module/HotelBookingAction!


Names in this namespace are shared past all components in complete modules in a single application. For example, a WAR and an EJB jar lodge in the same EAR file would have entree to resources in the coffee:app namespace.

The following is an example of a java:app namespace: java:app/jboss-seam-booking-jar/HotelBookingAction

You can find more information about JNDI denotive contexts in plane section EE.5.2.2, "Application Component Surroundings Namespaces" in the "JSR 316: JavaTM Political program, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Stipulation, v6". You can download the specification from here: Review the JNDI Namespace Rules


JBoss EAP 6 has landscaped upon JNDI namespace names, non only to provide predictable and consistent rules for every bring up bound in the application server, just also to forbid future compatibility issues. This means you might run into issues with the current namespaces in your covering if they Don't follow the raw rules.

Namespaces should follow these rules:

  1. Unmodified comparative name calling like DefaultDS or jdbc/DefaultDS should be qualified relative to coffee:comprehensive examination/env, java:module/env, or java:jboss/env, depending happening the context of use.

  2. Unqualified absolute name calling like /jdbc/DefaultDS should equal competent relative to a java:jboss/root name.

  3. Qualified absolute names like java:/jdbc/DefaultDS should be qualified the similar way As Straight-out absolute names above.

  4. The special Java:jboss namespace is divided across the total AS server instance.

  5. Some relative name with a java: prefix must be in indefinite of the five namespaces: comprehensive, module, app, global, or the proprietary jboss. Whatever name starting with java:XXX where xxx does non match any of the above five would resolution in an invalid name erroneousness. Modify the Application to Follow the New JNDI Namespace Rules

  • Hera is an exercise of a JNDI lookup in JBoss EAP 5.1. This code is usually ground in an initialisation method acting.

    private ProductManager productManager; try {     context = new InitialContext();     productManager = (ProductManager) context.lookup("OrderManagerApp/ProductManagerBean/local"); } catch(Exception lookupError) {     throw new ServletException("Unable to find the ProductManager bean", lookupError); }                                

    Promissory note the lookup name is OrderManagerApp/ProductManagerBean/topical anaestheti.

  • The tailing is an example of how the same lookup would be coded in JBoss EAP 6 exploitation dependency injection.

    @EJB(lookup="java:app/OrderManagerEJB/ProductManagerBean!services.ejb.ProductManager") private ProductManager productManager;                                

    The lookup values are now defined as member variables and utilise the modern portable Java:app JNDI namespace bring up java:app/OrderManagerEJB/ProductManagerBean!services.ejb.ProductManager.

  • If you prefer not to role dependency injection, you can go forward to create the new InitialContext as in a higher place and modify the search to use the new JNDI namespace name.

    private ProductManager productManager; try on {     linguistic context = new InitialContext();     productManager = (ProductManager) context.lookup("java:app/OrderManagerEJB/ProductManagerBean!services.ejb.ProductManager"); } catch(Elision lookupError) {     throw new ServletException("Unable to find the ProductManager bean", lookupError); }                         Examples of JNDI Namespaces in Previous Releases and How They are Specified in JBoss EAP 6

Table 3.2. JNDI Namespace Mapping Table

Namespace in JBoss EAP 5.x Namespace in JBoss EAP 6 Extra Comments
OrderManagerApp/ProductManagerBean/local Java:module/ProductManagerBean!services.ejb.ProductManager Java Electrical engineering 6 criterion binding. Scoped to the current module and only accessible within the same module.
OrderManagerApp/ProductManagerBean/local java:app/OrderManagerEJB/ProductManagerBean!services.ejb.ProductManager Java Electrical engineering 6 standard book binding. Scoped to the current lotion and only accessible inside the same application program.
OrderManagerApp/ProductManagerBean/local java:global/OrderManagerApp/OrderManagerEJB/ProductManagerBean!services.ejb.ProductManager Java EE 6 standard book binding. Scoped to the application host and globally ready to hand.
java:comp/UserTransaction java:comp/UserTransaction Namespace is scoped to the current ingredient. Non accessible for togs that are not Java EE 6, for example, togs created directly by your application.
java:comp/UserTransaction java:jboss/UserTransaction Globally accessible. Usage this if java:comp/UserTransaction is not uncommitted.
java:/TransactionManager java:jboss/TransactionManager
coffee:/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry java:jboss/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry